BCAHA’s Mission: to Link and to Strengthen

Nov 12, 2015 | Uncategorized

Links“BCAHA links and strengthens auxiliaries at the heart of healthcare.”

From Abbotsford to Williams Lake, from Port Alberni to Invermere, BCAHA is proud to represent its 84 member auxiliaries.  To help mark our 70th Anniversary, we updated our mission statement.  It is brief but bold.  To “link and to strengthen” is what we aspire to and expect.  Whether as auxilians, as volunteers, as community members, or as key contributors to healthcare, we are all connected.

Our revamped website and new newsletter format will further our reach.  Click on a hyperlink to roam and discover.  Find out what other auxiliaries are doing across our province.  Share, like and forward.  Whether face-to-face, online, or through social media, the more we connect, the stronger our ties.

To be “at the heart of healthcare” is a commitment and a calling.  We are up to the challenge.  Our very name—Auxiliary—(from the Latin auxilium, to “help and support”) aptly describes our role.  In grammar, the auxiliary verb is known as the “helping verb.”  That’s us.  We are defined by what we do.  We make a difference through our smiles, our helping hands and our reassuring presence.

Change AheadOur new mission statement was created in just a few seconds—an inspired suggestion by our executive director at a strategic planning session last spring.  Once uttered, we all nodded our assent.  We trust that these ten words also reflect your hopes and aims because you, as auxilians and as member auxiliaries, are the pulse that moves BCAHA.  YOU are our strongest link.


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