Mom’s White Cookies 3 ½ cups flour – white all purpose 1 cup sugar ½ tsp Baking Soda 1 tsp cream of tartar 1 cup of butter (room temperature) 3 eggs Mix soda and tartar together Mix flour and sugar together and add soda/tartar mixture Work butter in with hands and...
Would Your Like Your Community to Know More About You? The BCAHA Can Help!
Are you reaching people to attract them to your business? Do people know what you do? Do you have Social Media? Would you like to have a Facebook page? Cheryl Fry our communications Director is willing to help you get it setup. You may contact her at: 250-837-9462 or...
March 2020 Covid-19 President’s Message
A word from the President: The global COVID-19 pandemic has affected all our lives in the past weeks. BCAHA’s executive and Board of Directors have been monitoring this unprecedented situation and decided, on March 12, to cancel the April 20-22 AGM & Conference in...
* Postponed – BCAHA AGM & Conference, April 20-22, 2020
‘Tis the Season
Season of Joy: Jolly Santa greets Chilliwack Auxiliary volunteer at a breakfast event hosted by the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation.
Across the Province
Florence Nightingale Celebration Dawson Creek Auxiliary members Sandra, Lorraine, Fran and Helen prepare and set up their annual Florence Nightingale Celebration. This is a time to reflect and honour our nurses for the outstanding care they give to our patients, each...
BCAHA Membership Survey Deadline is Oct. 31, 2019
Hello Members! The BC Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries (BCAHA) wants to work closely with members to ensure it is delivering the resources, education and connections that will help auxiliaries thrive into the future. We are asking all local auxiliary members to...
100th Anniversary for Auxiliary to UHNBC
In 1919, in the aftermath of World War 1 and amid a flu pandemic, a group of dedicated women formed the Prince George Ladies Auxiliary. In the 1920s, the Auxiliary raised funds for a much-needed X-ray machine. During the Depression, they stored food items and produce...
President’s Message
Greetings to all, Spring is in the air! Winter has been colder than usual and I am more than happy to embrace the words of the poet, “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” The sun is shining, trees are budding out and the daffodils are blooming here on the...
Sunshine Coast’s Pop-up Thrift Store
A creative idea from the Sunshine Coast has generated interest and smiles from the residents of Totem Lodge and the Shorncliffe Care Facility. As described on its Facebook Page (March 5, 2019), volunteers from the Sunshine Coast Healthcare Auxiliary offered the...
Across The Province
'Volunteers Rock' at Penticton Auxiliary All we can say is “Wow!” Just three months after the Penticton Hospital Auxiliary fulfilled its original $250,000 pledge to the SOS Medical Foundation’s campaign to provide the medical equipment for the PRH expansion, they’ve...
Save the Date! BCAHA Annual AGM & Conference 2019
BCAHA Q&A – Laura Track, Human Rights Lawyer
BCAHA News: Hello. Thank you for this opportunity to ask you a few questions. In October, you were the keynote speaker at BCAHA’s Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley Areas joint conference. How did you enjoy that experience? Laura Track: It was a wonderful experience!...
Richmond Auxiliary Presents Bursaries
Harmony Sander wants to become a Registered Nurse and, ultimately, a Nurse Practitioner. She has volunteered at Richmond Hospital since 2015. This past year, she was accepted into the UBC Nursing Program (Okanagan Campus) and is eager to work with sick children. Ada...
Dawson Creek Auxiliary Supports ‘Click for Babies’ Campaign
105 Purple Knitted Baby Hats Help ‘Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome BC’ Every September for the past three years, the Dawson Creek & District Auxiliary Society of Local Health Care has been mailing small packages of knitted purple baby hats to the BC Children’s...