ELECTION OF THE BCAHA EXECUTIVE It is our pleasure to announce, on behalf of the Chair of Nominations, Lynda Avis, the election by acclamation of the following:President Diane Thornton, Langley Memorial Hospital AuxiliaryVice President Carole Murray, Sunshine Coast...
Member Auxiliary Events
2019 BCAHA ‘Then & Now’ Photo Contest Winners
First Prize – Auxiliary to the Lions Gate Hospital (North Vancouver): An Auxiliary volunteer takes a reading break in the Auxiliary lounge in the 1970s. A youth Auxiliary volunteer takes a break in the same lounge in 2019. In 25 years, what will our volunteer be...
‘Tis the Season
Season of Joy: Jolly Santa greets Chilliwack Auxiliary volunteer at a breakfast event hosted by the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation.
A Salute to Youth
Youth Volunteers and Bursary Recipients Recognized: Across our province, enthusiastic youth volunteers continue to make a difference. The Auxiliary to the Abbotsford Regional Hospital’s Marilyn Goodwin, Candy...
Auxiliary Anniversaries
Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary (1899 – 2019) Today is our Auxiliary's 120th Anniversary!! Thank you to all of you who carry on this very valuable work, supporting health care in the Cowichan Valley and beyond. I wish we could announce the dollar amount we have...
BCAHA 2019 AGM & Conference Opening Ceremony Quotes
...Since assuming the role of Lieutenant Governor I've attended many events in support of wonderful organizations throughout the province, but seldom does it give me as much pleasure as it does to meet with you today. Having spent much of my own professional career in...
Vernon Auxiliary Celebrates 110th
The VJH Auxiliary was presented a beautiful trophy by Interior Health CEO Chris Mazurkewich in recognition of 110 years of dedicated service to the Vernon Jubilee Hospital. The award was accepted by Valerie Tribes, Auxiliary president, and is proudly displayed in the...