Across the Province

Mar 27, 2017 | Uncategorized

‘Show of Hearts’ for Chemainus Auxiliary

AA-74-04-01-hyperlink The Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary presented a cheque for $10,000 during the Variety Show of Hearts 2017 telethon.  The money was raised through its thrift store and helped the one-day telethon reach $5 million in donations for B.C. children in need.  A one-minute Facebook video clip (click on link to view) received over 4,200 views, 85 likes and a dozen supportive comments such as:

 “Thanks for taking care of our community needs with your funding AND compassion.”

“So proud of our Auxiliary and the awesome work they do.”

“That’s why I shop and donate there.”

“You folks are just amazing!”

“A great community store!”

Penticton Auxiliary Pledges $150,000

AA-74-04-02June Revell-Quevillon presents a cheque for $20,000 to Carey Bornn of the South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundation. The Gift Shop Auxiliary has now contributed $125,000 towards its $150,000 pledge to the Foundation’s $20-million campaign to provide the medical equipment for the Penticton Regional Hospital expansion.  (Reprinted from The SOS Medical Foundation




 Castlegar Auxiliary Purchases Portable Scanner

AA-74-04-03Castlegar & District Hospital Auxiliary presents a cheque for $6,717 for a Portable Ultrasound Bladder Scanner.  The portable scanner will provide patient comfort and care to those residents who will require the service.  It will also avoid the Emergency Room visits and eliminate the waiting time for the residents requiring a simple bladder scan.  The procedure can be done at the Castleview Care Centre or at Talarico Place. The Auxiliary is pleased to be able to provide the money for the portable scanner.  Money was raised by the volunteers of the Hospital Auxiliary Treasure Shop, which is supported by the community. Thank you everyone!

Pictured are (from left): Dr. Keith Merritt, Medical Director; Nettie Stupnikoff,  President of the CDHAS; Amanda Ovington, Administrator/RN; and Shannon Kenning, Director of Care of Castleview Care Centre.  (Reprinted from


Donated Dolls in Summerland

AA-74-04-04 A note of appreciation and affection for a valued volunteer was posted by the Summerland Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop on its Facebook page (December, 2016).

“Here’s a photo of Alda and a few of her dolls taken through the glass of the front window. Alda has been collecting and making dolls as a hobby for years and has decided to donate them to the SHCA Thrift Shop. Alda has been a Volunteer for over 12 years working both the back and front of store, most recently as the lead pricer of our handbag section. Thank you, Alda, for all you do.”






Ladysmith Auxiliary Lends a Hand   

AA-74-04-05The Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary has been active in its support of healthcare in its local area and on Vancouver Island.  The auxiliary committed $50,000 for the purchase of a CT scanner in Nanaimo and also donated $30,000 towards a much-needed PET scanner in Victoria.  At present, Vancouver Island residents have to travel to Vancouver to access PET scan services.  The auxiliary also contributed $28,000 to the Cowichan Hospice Society for patient care and to develop a property for a new facility.
Pictured in the cheque presentation are (from left): Jen Forrest (Auxiliary VP), Aaron Stone (Mayor of Ladysmith and member of Hospice House Task Force), Deb Henderson (Auxiliary Corresponding Secretary), Gretchen Hartley (Executive Director of Cowichan Hospice Society) and Crista Fox (Chair for Hospice House Task Force).

(Reprinted from Ladysmith Auxiliary


Helping Firefighters in Revelstoke

AA-74-04-06Volunteer firefighters from Revelstoke Fire Rescue Services present the Revelstoke Hospital Auxiliary Society with a framed picture of a new fire truck on January 24, 2017.  The auxiliary donated $25,000 towards the purchase of the truck.  (Revelstoke Auxiliary




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