Area Conferences Around the Province

Sep 14, 2021 | Newsletter


We are excited to be planning our North West conference for the weekend of October 15, 2021 The Theme is Aprons. The conference will be held in Smithers as they were unable to celebrate their 100th anniversary in 2020 . We have invited Ft St James, Prince George , Prince Rupert and Vanderhoof, along with our three remaining Auxiliaries in the NW. hoping for a bigger attendance . Things are falling into place as we have confirmed a local Chiropractor to come and speak and also the Northern Health volunteer coordinator will attend to explain the up and coming criminal record checks which will come into affect very soon. We’re hoping all goes according to plans and COVID doesn’t raise its ugly head again.

Charlotte Apperloo North West Area Director

Fraser Valley:

Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley Areas are pleased to be moving past the Covid 19 restrictions to hold a joint area conference this year. The conference will be held in person at the Langley Cascade Casino on October 5th, 2021. All Covid 19 rules in place at the time will be followed. The BCAHA board is holding their Mid Terms that week as well so they will be attending the conference also. This will be a good time to ask questions etc. of your Provincial Board. The host auxiliaries are Langley Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, Anne Kern is the Area director and Eagle Ridge Hospital Auxiliary President. Carole Murray is the area director. Area conferences are always an exciting day of meetings, food and fellowship and we are so happy to have a return to normality after going through this past year. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer.

Anne Kern and Carole Murray


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