Across The Province

Feb 26, 2016 | Uncategorized

Riding High: Powell River Auxiliary Makes Equine Offering 

Riding HighKnown for its community giving, the Powell River Health-Care Auxiliary has again made a special contribution.  Previously, the auxiliary earned plaudits for its record $877,000 donation to help furnish the new Willingdon Creek Village care facility.  More recently, the auxiliary made an innovative funding choice—the purchase of a horse—for the Powell River Therapeutic Riding Association.  Therapeutic riding brings smiles, enjoyment and wellness to those with disabilities.  Celebrating its 25th year, the PRTRA expressed appreciation for the auxiliary and its active support:


The Powell River Therapeutic Riding Association welcomes Powell River Auxiliary’s Rhondda Schreurs and “Tekida.”

“We would like to say a heartfelt Thank You to all the people involved with the Auxiliary.  Our new little mare, Tekida, is a very welcome addition to our herd of ‘therapists.’”







Lisa VanderVelde/Morning Star May Correale (left) and Dixie Mackie of the Vernon Jubilee Hospital Auxiliary shower Fay and Nathan Koss and their New Year’s baby boy Eliot Steven Koss with gifts.Vernon Celebrates the New

Vernon Jubilee Hospital Auxiliary’s May Correale (left) and Dixie Mackie present New Year’s Day gifts to proud parents Fay and Nathan Koss and their special arrival, Eliot.






Smiles of SupportAll Smiles in Summerland

Wess Campbell, Summerland Health Care Auxiliary president, presents a cheque for $100,000 to Janice Perrino, executive director of the South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundation.  The auxiliary’s donation is the second installment towards a $1 million, five-year pledge to help purchase equipment for the Penticton hospital’s new patient care tower. The presentation was made at a Christmas reception celebrating the contributions made by auxiliary member volunteers.


Doubling Up: Mission Auxiliary Again Pledges $300,000

After donating $300,000 to The Residence in Mission care facility three years ago, the Mission Health Care Auxiliary has pledged the same sizeable sum to help purchase a much-needed, third ultrasound unit for the Mission Memorial Hospital.

Laurel Scheffler, Dir. of Clinical Operations for MMH, commented that “The Mission Health Care Auxiliary has a long history of partnering with us in the provision of patient centered care.  This is another example of the incredible work that occurs daily by these dedicated individuals.”


New Wheelchair Accessible BusWheelchair Accessible Bus in Fort St. James

The Stuart Lake Hospital Auxiliary has contributed $30,000 towards an accessible bus for Fort St. James, a small community of 1,700 located 160 kilometres northwest of Prince George.  “During the long winter months, seniors are shut-in from many social activities,” notes auxiliary president, Julie-Ann Wheelchair Accessible BusMortenson.  “This bus will be used by the Stuart Lake Seniors Association to transport community members to larger cities that provide theatre, art, music and other social events.”





Eagle Ridge Auxiliary Anniversary


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